Maintenance Mode Configuration
Maintenance mode can be configured and schedule via Alert Management page. Please see the steps below.
◦ Login to LiveNX Web.
◦ Navigate to Configure and the Alert Management page.

◦ On the Alert Management page click on the Maintenance Mode button.

◦ On Maintenance Mode configuration page click on the Add button.
◦ On the configuration page, configure options below.
◦ Start Time - Optional: Indicates when maintenance mode will start. If not configured, maintenance mode will begin immediately.
◦ End Time - Optional: Indicates when maintenance mode should end. If not configured will last until manually disabled.
◦ Time Zone - Sets the time zone to use for the start and end time configurations.
◦ Devices and Interfaces - Choose which devices and interfaces should go into maintenance mode.
◦ Once configured, you will notice that the details around maintenance mode will be displayed as well as a status indicator on whether maintenance mode is currently active.